
Movie Opener Final Draft

The Hoodie: Due to the current pandemic, we weren't able to meet up all together but we still managed to fix our video as a team. After texting back and forth, we decided to fix a few things. First, we added new clip in the beginning of the film which foreshadowed the harm done to Miguel, and then filmed new "stalking" clips with a phone camera to help with the sizing trouble we had in our draft (Don't worry, we're all practicing social distancing! Miguel filmed these with the help of his brother.) Next, we rearranged the order of the film where the interrogations and kidnapping scenes bounced back and fourth. This helps our viewers understand our story line better and would leave them to question who did it. Lastly, we made sure we represented the hoodie correctly. Not only did we add flashback from the interrogations to the kidnapping, we also zoomed onto to the hoodie at the end to create suspense.

Peer Reviews

What I liked What confused me Sugestions I loved the sound effects and background music. It set the perfect mysterious mood for the movie opening. Josh’s acting was also really great in the sense that he was a very affirming interrogator. The dialogue left me confused at times because I couldn’t really hear what was being said. The kidnapping was confusing because it happened all of a sudden and I definitely made this mistake of my own. Maybe record a voiceover to replace the dialogue happening in the opening and lip sync what is being said. Introduce the kidnapper more in a sense that leads to the kidnapping in an understandable way. I really liked the music that was used in the background, it helped with the sense of mystery and developed the plot.  I was a little confused at the end why the hoodie was just left on the table where the last person was interviewed. I think maybe at the end instead of the hoodie just being on the table the last person who was...

Movie Opener First Cut

Link to Film Opening: v=HvHN9tpCMHE

Editing Week 2

The picture above shows the end of our editing process along with our final scene. We decided to display our title in the very last scene to keep the meaning and purpose of the film confidential from the viewers. The way the title was edited also helped create suspense causing the viewer wanting to keep watching. In my previous blog, I explained the audio and visual channels that Miguel added last week. This week, Miguel added yet another audio channel to help blend all of the sounds together to make our audio flow perfectly. A definite problem that will have to be fixed the next time we edit would be the sizing of our film. This was caused by the utilization of many different cameras.

Editing Part 1

The picture above shows the editing process of our "production company's" name. We then came up with a name (WAMM Productions) then thought about how exactly we would want to present it. After a group discussion, we decided to display the name across the screen at the start of the film where it would be bolded and take up a third of the screen. The picture above displays the audio and video channels that Miguel created using Adobe Premiere Pro. He used one visual channel and three audio channels at the start of the editing process. One of the three audio channels were muted in order to grasp all of the noise and background music being added to the video. We also added visual transitions to ensure a clean flow within our opening film, along with a black screen/space to aware the viewer that there has been a change of setting/ time

Filming Part 2

The next scenes we filmed were the interrogation scenes. My interrogation was the first scene filmed this week and we struggled again with the lighting because we filmed in a dark classroom. Again, we had one of our group members use a phone flashlight to give some light within the frame. Lighting was extremely difficult because we needed enough light for our actors to be seen, but we also wanted as little as possible so the shot would look more like an interrogation room. After many lighting problems, we decided to switch our location to an isolated room attached to our classroom. This location gave the perfect amount of light we wanted and made the surroundings look as much like an interrogation room as possible.